This is going to be a post with facts. I’m going to keep my opinion to myself. I’m also not going to debate a carnivorous diet vs vegetarian or vegan diet. It is not up to me to tell you how your ethics contribute to your diet. My ultimate goal is to give you the […]

“Bowls” are everywhere you look these days! Smoothie Bowls, Acai Bowls, Buddha Bowls, Power Bowls… I love them all, they’re all my favorite! I also love the flavors that I find in Chinese food, the soy sauce, the ginger, sesame oil and green onion so when I found this recipe I knew it would be […]

Last week I went on a little “anti sugar” tangent. I realized while it is a serious topic that most of us need to confront and tackle, we are still humans enjoying a fulfilling life. I am all for people choosing to “quit sugar” completely, if that is what will make you feel your best. […]

The information I’m about to share is going to create a tizzy among people, I’m sure. Nutrition is the only science where people don’t agree. Have you ever thought about that? We all know E=MC2, we all know the Earth is round (well most of us do anyway) but when it comes to nutrition we […]

“Long lasting, sustainable change”, we’ve all heard it, we all know it, why is it so hard!!! For the most part we understand that extreme diets don’t work, slow and steady wins the race, small consistent changes over time result in higher longterm success rates. Affirmations rewire the thinking. It takes 3 months to change […]

Ok, ok, ok I admit it, that title is a little misleading. I didn’t JUST discover the magic weight loss solution, I’ve known it for decades. I have screamed it from the mountain tops, I have drilled it into my clients, I have tried to live as closely to this concept as I can. Because […]